Embracing Fear and Chasing Dreams



“I had a few big goals and dreams I hoped to someday accomplish. One of those dreams was to become a fitness competitor … but fear always held me back from pursuing it.”

In 2015, Terri spent some time researching various online trainers when finally coming across Sisters in Shape. “There were so many elements of SiS that were appealing to my goals and my busy schedule: all female coaches, IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) approach, new workouts every 4-5 weeks and workouts that would fit into my busy work schedule. I felt that SiS would be a perfect fit! “

In July 2015, Terri began began the journey toward making her dream of competing a reality with Sisters in Shape. Eleven months later, she stepped on stage for the first time. “I placed first in Fitness and Bikini Masters, which motivated me to set my next goal: Compete at the Elite level at World Championships in November 2016.”

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Since joining Sisters in Shape, Terri has achieved much more than just her dream of competing. “In June 2017, I earned my PRO card in Women's Fitness with the UFE federation. I was featured in STRONG Fitness magazine. I have become a sponsored athlete with a supplement company.” Terri’s passion for fitness even led her to become a certified personal trainer. “I love seeing women accomplish something that they once thought they couldn't and following their dreams!”

“Not only has SiS helped me become my fittest self in the physical sense, but it’s helped to transform me mentally and emotionally as well. I have learned so much about myself. For years, I allowed fear to hold me back from following my dreams. I have grown in so many ways and love the person that I have become! I no longer allow fear to hold me back; instead, I allow myself to feel the fear and do it anyway!”

With having accomplished so much in a short period of time, what’s next for Terri?

“My current goals are to obtain my nutrition specialist certification; compete at the Professional level in Women's Fitness at 2018 UFE World Championships. as well as to work with women to help them become their happiest, healthiest and strongest selves.”

Based on Terri’s experience with Sisters in Shape, her advice to women aspiring to change their health or their life:

“It is never too late to get started. Just start and take it day by day!”

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