Transformation: Introvert to Athlete

Emily, 40, Works full time, Mother of 2


In 2015, Emily came across a fitness camp which brings together a community of women from across the world of all shapes, colors, backgrounds and sizes. “It sounded amazing, so I decided to attend.” Camp GORGO is an opportunity for Sisters in Shape clients to connect in real life through a weekend retreat that offers fitness, camaraderie, and women’s empowerment. The experience of community and support was so powerful, Emily decided to join Sisters in Shape as a lifestyle client.

“Prior to joining Sisters in Shape, I had goals I wanted to achieve. However, I wasn’t having much success in terms of progress towards any of them.”

After reading “The Year of Yes” by Shonda Rhimes, she had thoughts of wanting to compete at some point. Emily put this goal on the back burner and joined Sisters in Shape to begin working toward her everyday wellness goals. Eventually, the idea re-surfaced and Emily began working with her trainer Leah to compete in her first fitness competition. She has competed twice... but her goals expand beyond just bodybuilding competitions.

Turning 40 later this year, Emily has big plans. “I wanted this to be my best year ever." Emily wrote a 'LIVE IT' list of things she wanted to accomplish by the time she was 40 or within this milestone year. One goal was to travel. Another was to continue to find a balance with food. The other goal was to wear a crown. “Entering a pageant was another way to spread my message that women are pretty, strong, and smart.” Emily was named Mrs. Maryland US Continental and will compete at a national level next year.

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"Since joining SiS, yes, my body has changed. Yes, I’m healthier…but the transformation I’ve had mentally is even greater. I identify as an athlete, where I never had before. I'm finding a better balance with food, despite certain dietary restrictions I have.”

Even her family recognizes the transformation. “After seeing an Under Armour commercial that focused on women’s power and strength, my daughter asked, ‘Mommy, are you going to be on this commercial?’ That moment was amazing, because I realized that is how she sees me. I want to tap into my potential. I want to empower women. I want to be a change maker in this world.”

Based on Emily’s experience with Sisters in Shape, her advice to women aspiring to change their health or their life:

“My guiding principle in life is 'SHOW UP.' Just try it. Just do it. Have a great support system. For me personally, I would have had some success if I did it on my own… but I would have regressed. Having a support system with my coach Leah and other SiS clients, if I have a slip up, it’s for just a moment - not a month.”

“As an introvert, I feel part of a group. I feel supported with the other women and I’ve made such great friends. The community aspect of Sisters in Shape is amazing.”

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